Monday, October 1, 2007

Foolproof Apple Pie

The key to this pie recipe is deconstruction, cooking each component separately ensures perfection and eliminates any possibility of sogginess. It also looks great when done.

Pie Crust
Use your favorite recipe for a one-crust pie or use Pillsbury’s refrigerated. Roll out to fit a deep dish pie plate, dock profusely, flute edges, and bake at 400F for about 10 minutes till light brown (no need to blind bake with beans and foil which I believe steams the crust).

4 - 6 apples (I used Golden Delicious this time but next time I will try Matsus), peeled, cored, and sliced evenly into six wedges
4T butter
2T - 4T sugar
1t cinnamon, preferably Vietnamese
In a nonstick large frying pan, sauté butter with apples till just turning fork tender, add cinnamon and sugar to taste. Most of the liquid from the apples should have evaporated. Cool.

Crumble Topping
3/4 cup sugar
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1 stick cold butter, diced
Use your fingers to incorporate butter into the sugar, flour, and nuts. Try to make some big crumbles.

You can wait to bake the pie at any time. Just put the cooled apples into the cooled baked pie shell, top with the crumble mixture spreading it all over the top of the pie, bake in a preheated 400F oven for about 20 minutes till the top is nicely browned. Cool a bit before cutting a piece. I would have taken a picture because this is truly a pretty pie but by the time I got my camera out the pie was gone.


bc said...

Apparently, I am to make this pie for Z and M at my humble abode for Thanksgiving.

Arlington Jane said...

I hope you like it as much as we did.