Thursday, September 6, 2007

Good-bye Korea

I was concerned that we would leave Seoul without ever trying any Korean food. Of course, the thought of “dogmeat stew” did not turn me on and unfortunately most of the local restaurants had either the plastic food windows (see above) or menus with no English translation. We skipped the numerous Starbucks, KFCs, Outbacks, Burger Kings, Tony Romas, and even Au Bon Pain (those are for the times you are really desperate). Finally, for our last meal in Korea we had Bulgogi - the traditional stir-fried beef cooked at the table. It’s accompanied by about 10 side dishes of kimchi (pickled cabbage and other veggies) -ranging from spicy and peppery to a hot that scars your tongue. At least we had that and it was pretty good till I had that fiery pickle.

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