We left at noon for Bangkok via Tokyo. Fourteen hours later (!!!) we arrived on time at Narita planning for a 2 hour layover. Forget that. Our connection was postponed and the 2 hours turned into 16. United Airlines sent us to the Narita Hilton and we were able to stretch out on a bed. Unfortunately, the next morning Kim got stomach sick so for the flight to Bangkok Jim relinquished his nice business class seat to her and took her seat in the "back of the bus".
I believed Jim when he told me it was just a "short flight" to Bangkok (should have looked at a map!) -turns out a "short flight" to him is 7 hours. We made it though, this time on time, got picked up by our driver and office head, and whisked off to what I still think is the nicest hotel in the world - the Oriental.
You have not been to a Hotel until you’ve been to the Oriental Hotel in Bangkok. All other hotels are put to shame. They know you and greet you with good luck flowers when you arrive. The hotel sits on the Chao Phraya River so all the rooms have an exotic view. This time we had adjoining rooms rather than the sumptuous suite we had last time. (Remember the ice cream, Zed?) We still haven’t had tea in the Author’s Lounge so I do have a reason to go back. Kim and I spent a lot of time exploring and eating at all of the restaurants (and at the cooking school); the one drawback is that the hotel is not near a walkable (try to cross one of these streets!) shopping area (other than lots of antiques and tschotke I don’t want).
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