Friday, June 27, 2008

Entourage: Season One

Hedonism- devotion to pleasure as a way of life: if you think this is a good theme for a tv show, you'll love the HBO series "Entourage." The writing is good, ditto the actors (are they really acting or is this reality?), and the show is never boring. But puh-lease, is this what we've come to? The pretty boy doesn't have a brain, the smart one is a wimp, and the other two are poor excuses for adult men who still find toilet jokes funny. Whatever happened to the term conspicuous consumption? Haven't any of these twenty-something "men" heard of helping someone instead of using money like it was toilet paper? It's all a joke to them- easy come, easy go, I guess. The only ones eager to help with the flushing are the even stupider bimbos clad "California-style." Is there a message here? Yeah, none of them have children (that we know of) so the species is safe. So far. I'll have to watch Season Two.

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