Friday, June 27, 2008

Entourage: Season One

Hedonism- devotion to pleasure as a way of life: if you think this is a good theme for a tv show, you'll love the HBO series "Entourage." The writing is good, ditto the actors (are they really acting or is this reality?), and the show is never boring. But puh-lease, is this what we've come to? The pretty boy doesn't have a brain, the smart one is a wimp, and the other two are poor excuses for adult men who still find toilet jokes funny. Whatever happened to the term conspicuous consumption? Haven't any of these twenty-something "men" heard of helping someone instead of using money like it was toilet paper? It's all a joke to them- easy come, easy go, I guess. The only ones eager to help with the flushing are the even stupider bimbos clad "California-style." Is there a message here? Yeah, none of them have children (that we know of) so the species is safe. So far. I'll have to watch Season Two.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Note to me: remember this day always.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Under Anesthesia

I got a bill from a doctor I never heard of. When I called to find out if my insurance was billed I was told that my insurance company had rejected it. Evidently they find the service (a radiologist reading an x-ray) to be unnecessary and this service does not meet the requirements of my benefits and is excluded from coverage. I am then told I am not responsible for this charge unless I agreed in writing to be responsible for the charge before the service was given. Evidently, I signed such a waiver while under anesthesia.

Friday, June 6, 2008